NCCMH offices will remain open – 24/7 crisis services will continue
NCCMH offices are open and we will continue to provide services. However, we will be changing how those services are delivered to help limit the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Staff will continue assisting the people we serve. They will work remotely when feasible and provide services by telephone as much as possible. We will use video technology when we can and face-to-face services when clinically indicated.
Before coming to the office for an appointment, please call ahead and see if you may be able to be served by telephone or video instead.
If you are experiencing symptoms of the virus, please do not come to the office. If you have symptoms of respiratory infection, such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, and have had contact in the past 14 days with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, please call your health care provider to make the best decisions for yourself and your family, and call us for your mental health support. If you do not have a health care provider, please call your local health department or emergency department for guidance.
Clubhouses and Day Program Centers are closed – telephone outreach and support will continue
At the recommendation of the Governor and in effective from Monday, March 16 through April 6, the following service centers will be closed: Petoskey Club, New Horizons Clubhouse Clubhouses, Gaylord Alpine Workshop, North Country Enrichment Center, and our contracted day program providers—Bergmann Center, Crossroads, Straits Area Services, and GTI. Staff will be reaching out to members and will continue to provide support by telephone and other means to assist clients with their unique needs.
Trainings canceled
All NCCMH in-person trainings are canceled from March 16 through April and will be rescheduled when it is safe to do so.
NCCMH Leadership Response
The leadership team at NCCMH is meeting regularly to assess this rapidly changing situation and will make adjustments as needed. Please practice good hygiene and social distancing of six feet. Get enough sleep, drink fluids, get fresh air. The healthier we are the easier it is for our immune system to do its job.
NCCMH Important Numbers
Crisis Help Line 877-470-4668
Customer Services 877-470-3195
Access Center 877-470-7130