24/7 Crisis Help Line: 877-470-4668
Access to Services: 877-470-7130
Customer Services : 877-470-3195
You may contact the Office of Recipient Rights at NCCMH to talk with a Recipient Rights Officer about any questions you may have about your rights or to get help to make a complaint. Customer Services can also help you make a complaint.
You can contact the Office of Recipient Rights at:
800-281-0481 (Toll Free)
You may file a Recipient Rights complaint any time if you think staff violated your rights. You can make a rights complaint either orally or in writing. A complaint form is available in each of our six NCCMH locations, upon request through your local Recipient Rights Office, or by clicking on the link(s) below.
More information about your many rights is contained in the booklet titled “Your Rights When Receiving Mental Health Services in Michigan.” You will be given this booklet and have your rights explained to you when you first start services and then it will be offered to you once again every year. You can also ask for a copy of this booklet at any time.
Every person who receives public mental health services has certain rights. The Michigan Mental Health Code protects specific rights. Some of your rights include:
Complainants and any staff acting on behalf of a recipient will be protected from harassment or retaliation resulting from recipient rights activities and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if there is evidence of harassment or retaliation.
The North Country CMH Recipient Rights Advisory Committee (RRAC) meets quarterly to complete the following functions:
If you are interested in applying to become an RRAC member, please complete this application for consideration by the NCCMH Board. Anyone who resides within NCCMH’s six county service area and who is not employed by NCCMH may apply.
NCCMH is an equal opportunity employer/program. Reasonable accommodation will be provided upon notification of request. Auxiliary aids and services, including the use of audio/video-conferencing connections, are available to individuals with disabilities upon request. This meeting is open to all members of the public under Michigan’s Open Meetings Act. A list of names of the RRAC members serving, the composition of the committee, and the meeting minutes are available from the ORR upon request.
The next RRAC meeting will be held on Thursday, December 13, 2024, at 3:00pm at 1420 Plaza Drive, Petoskey, in the Board Room.
Visit the State of Michigan Recipient Rights web page for more information.
North Country Community Mental Health Authority serves adults with serious mental illness, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, children with serious emotional disturbance, and persons with co-occurring substance use disorders in six counties: Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, Kalkaska, and Otsego.
Comprehensive Assessment Policy
Confidentiality Use and Disclosure Procedure
Fingerprinting Photography Audio-Video Use of One-Way Glass Policy
Grievance and Appeal Procedure
Resident Communication and Visitation Procedure
Resident Freedom of Movement Policy
Resident Right to Entertainment, Information, and News Procedure
Residential Property and Funds Procedure