24/7 Crisis Help Line: 877-470-4668
Access to Services: 877-470-7130
North Country Community Mental Health provides services to all residents of Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, Kalkaska, and Otsego Counties experiencing an emotional problem, mental illness or developmental disability.
For access to all North Country CMH services, please contact the Access Center at 877-470-7130
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) provides basic services and supports essential for people with serious mental illness to maintain independence in the community. An ACT team will provide behavioral health therapy and help with medications. The team may also help access community resources and supports needed to maintain wellness and participate in social, educational and vocational activities. ACT may be provided daily for individuals who participate.
Assessment includes a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, psychological testing, substance use disorder screening or other assessments conducted to determine a person’s level of functioning and behavioral health treatment needs. Physical health assessments are not part of the CMH/PIHP services.
Assistive Technology includes adaptive devices and supplies that are not covered under the Medicaid Health Plan or by other community resources. These devices help individuals to better take care of themselves, or to better interact in the places where they live, work and play.
Autism Related Services are for beneficiaries who are less than 21 years of age who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The benefit includes Applied Behavioral Analysis services at two different levels: Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention (CBI) is a more intense level of services (16-25 hours per week); Focused Behavioral Intervention (FBI) is a less intense level of services (5-15 hours per week). A referral from a primary care physician is required before Autism testing can commence.
Behavior Treatment Review: If a person’s illness or disability involves behaviors that they or others who work with them want to change, their individual plan of services (IPOS, also known as a Person Centered Plan or PCP) may include a plan that talks about the behavior. This plan is often called a “behavior treatment plan.” The behavior treatment plan is developed during PCP and then is approved and reviewed regularly by a team of specialists to make sure that it is effective and dignified and continues to meet the person’s needs.
Behavioral Treatment Services/Applied Behavior Analysis are services for children under 21 years of age with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).
Clubhouse Programs are programs where members (consumers) and staff work side by side to operate the clubhouse and to encourage participation in the greater community. Clubhouse programs focus on fostering recovery, competency and social supports, as well as vocational skills and opportunities.
Community Inpatient Services are hospital services used to stabilize a behavioral health condition in the event of a significant change in symptoms or in a behavioral health emergency. Community hospital services are provided in licensed psychiatric hospitals and in licensed psychiatric units of general hospitals.
Community Living Supports (CLS) are activities provided by paid staff that help adults with either serious mental illness or intellectual/developmental disabilities live independently and participate actively in the community. Community Living Supports may also help families who have children with special needs (such as intellectual/developmental disabilities or serious emotional disturbance).
Crisis Interventions are unscheduled individual, or group services aimed at reducing or eliminating the impact of unexpected events on behavioral health and well-being.
Crisis Residential Services are short-term alternatives to inpatient hospitalization provided in a licensed residential setting.
Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT). EPSDT provides a comprehensive array of prevention, diagnostic, and treatment services for low-income infants, children, and adolescents under the age of 21 years, as specified in Section 1905(a)(4)(B) of the Social Security Act (the Act) and defined in 42 U.S.C. § 1396d(r)(5) and 42 CFR 441.50 or its successive regulation. The EPSDT benefit is more robust than the Medicaid benefit for adults and is designed to assure that children receive early detection and care, so that health problems are averted or diagnosed and treated as early as possible. Health plans are required to comply with all EPSDT requirements for their Medicaid enrollees under the age of 21 years. EPSDT entitles Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollees under the age of 21 years, to any treatment or procedure that fits within any of the categories of Medicaid-covered services listed in Section 1905(a) of the Act if that treatment or service is necessary to “correct or ameliorate” defects and physical and mental illnesses or conditions. This requirement results in a comprehensive health benefit for children under age 21 enrolled in Medicaid. In addition to the covered services listed above, Medicaid must provide any other medical or remedial care, even if the agency does not otherwise provide for these services or provides for them in a lesser amount, duration, or scope (42 CFR 441.57). While transportation to EPSDT corrective or ameliorative specialty services is not a covered service under this waiver, the PIHP must assist beneficiaries in obtaining necessary transportation either through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services or through the beneficiary’s Medicaid health plan.
Enhanced Pharmacy includes doctor-ordered nonprescription or over-the-counter items (such as vitamins or cough syrup) necessary to manage your health condition(s) when a person’s Medicaid Health Plan does not cover these items. *In addition to meeting medically necessary criteria, this service requires a doctor’s prescription.
Environmental Modifications are physical changes to a person’s home, car or work environment that are of direct medical or remedial benefit to the person. Modifications ensure access, protect health and safety or enable greater independence for a person with physical disabilities. Note that all other sources of funding must be explored first, before using Medicaid funds for environmental modifications. *In addition to meeting medically necessary criteria, this service requires a doctor’s prescription.
Family Support and Training provides family-focused assistance to family members relating to and caring for a relative with serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance or intellectual/ developmental disabilities. “Family Skills Training” is education and training for families who live with and/or care for a family member who is eligible for the Children’s Waiver Program.
Family Support Subsidy is a State of Michigan program which provides financial support for families who care for children with severe disabilities in their home. The subsidy program is intended to pay for special expenses the family incurs while caring for their child.
Families may be eligible for this program if they have a child under the age of 18 who is living at home, and who has been recommended by the public school district’s multidisciplinary team as having:
Families are not eligible if:
You will need the following information when you apply:
Payments are uniform for all families. There is no waiting list for this program. Coverage will begin for the month following the month of application. Actual payment for the first covered month may be delayed during the processing of the application.
If you have questions about the Family Support Subsidy Program, please contact North Country Community Mental Health, Family Support Subsidy Coordinator Susan Clingan, at 231-533-8619.
Fiscal Intermediary Services help individuals manage their service and supports budget and pay providers if they are using a “self-determination” approach.
Health Services include assessment, treatment and professional monitoring of health conditions that are related to or impacted by a person’s behavioral health condition. A person’s primary doctor will treat any other health conditions they may have.
Home-Based Services for Children and Families are provided in the family home or in another community setting. Services are designed individually for each family and can include things like behavioral health therapy, crisis intervention, service coordination or other supports to the family.
Housing Assistance is assistance with short-term, transitional or one-time-only expenses in an individual’s own home that his/her resources and other community resources could not cover.
Intensive Crisis Stabilization is another short-term alternative to inpatient hospitalization. Intensive crisis stabilization services are structured treatment and support activities provided by a behavioral health crisis team in the person’s home or in another community setting.
Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID) provides 24-hour intensive supervision, health and rehabilitative services and basic needs to persons with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Medication Administration is when a doctor, nurse or other licensed medical provider gives an injection, oral medication or topical medication.
Medication Review is the evaluation and monitoring of medicines used to treat a person’s behavioral health condition, their effects and the need for continuing or changing their medicines.
Mental Health Therapy and Counseling for Adults, Children and Families includes therapy or counseling designed to help improve functioning and relationships with other people.
Nursing Home Mental Health Assessment and Monitoring includes a review of a nursing home resident’s need for and response to behavioral health treatment, along with consultations with nursing home staff.
Occupational Therapy includes the evaluation by an occupational therapist of an individuals’ ability to do things in order to take care of themselves every day and treatments to help increase these abilities. *In addition to meeting medically necessary criteria, this service requires a doctor’s prescription.
Partial Hospital Services include psychiatric, psychological, social, occupational, nursing, music therapy, and therapeutic recreational services in a hospital setting, under a doctor’s supervision. Partial hospital services are provided during the day and participants go home at night.
Peer-delivered and Peer Specialist Services. Peer-delivered services such as drop-in centers are entirely run by consumers of behavioral health services. They offer help with food, clothing, socialization, housing and support to begin or maintain behavioral health treatment. Peer Specialist services are activities designed to help persons with serious mental illness in their individual recovery journey and are provided by individuals who are in recovery from serious mental illness.
Peer mentors help people with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
Personal Care in Specialized Residential Settings assists an adult with mental illness or intellectual/ developmental disabilities with activities of daily living, self-care and basic needs, while they are living in a specialized residential setting in the community.
*Physical Therapy includes the evaluation by a physical therapist of a person’s physical abilities (such as the ways they move, use their arms or hands or hold their body) and treatments to help improve their physical abilities. *In addition to meeting medically necessary criteria, this service requires a doctor’s prescription.
Prevention Service Models (such as Infant Mental Health and School Success) use both individual and group interventions designed to reduce the likelihood that individuals will need treatment from the public behavioral health system.
Respite Care Services provide short-term relief to the unpaid primary caregivers of people eligible for specialty services. Respite provides temporary alternative care, either in the family home or in another community setting chosen by the family.
Skill-Building Assistance includes supports, services and training to help a person participate actively at school, work, volunteer or community settings, or to learn social skills they may need to support themselves or to get around in the community.
Speech and Language Therapy includes the evaluation by a speech therapist of a person’s ability to use and understand language and communicate with others or to manage swallowing or related conditions and treatments to help enhance speech, communication or swallowing.
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services (descriptions follow the mental/behavioral health services)
Supports Coordination or Targeted Case Management: A Supports Coordinator or Case Manager is a staff person who helps write an individual plan of services (IPOS, also known as a PCP) and makes sure the services are delivered. His/her role is to listen to a person’s desired changes and/or goals and to help find the services and providers inside and outside the CMH that will help achieve the desired changes and/or goals. A Supports Coordinator or Case Manager may also connect a person to resources in the community for employment, community living, education, public benefits and recreational activities.
Supported/Integrated Employment Services provide initial and ongoing supports, services and training, usually provided at the job site, to help adults who are eligible for behavioral health services find and keep paid employment in the community.
Transportation may be provided to and from a person’s home in order for them to take part in a non-medical Medicaid-covered service.
Treatment Planning assists the person and those of his/her choosing in the development and periodic review of the individual plan of services (IPOS, also known as a PCP).
Wraparound Services for Children and Adolescents with serious emotional disturbance and their families that include treatment and supports necessary to maintain the child in the family home.
Some Medicaid beneficiaries are eligible for special services that help them avoid having to go to an institution for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities or a nursing home. These special services are called the Habilitation Supports Waiver and the Children’s Waiver. In order to receive these services, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities need to be enrolled in one of these waivers. The availability of these waivers is very limited. People enrolled in the waivers have access to the services listed above as well as those listed below:
Enhanced Medical Equipment and Supplies (for HSW enrollees) must help the person to increase their abilities to perform activities of daily living; or to perceive, control or communicate with the environment.
Goods and Services (for HSW enrollees) is a non-staff service that replaces the assistance that staff would be hired to provide. This service, used in conjunction with a self-determination arrangement, provides assistance to increase independence, facilitate productivity or promote community inclusion.
Non-Family Training (for Children’s Waiver enrollees) is customized training for the paid in-home support staff who provide care for a child enrolled in the Waiver.
Out-of-home Non-Vocational Supports and Services (for HSW enrollees) is assistance to gain, retain or improve in self-help, socialization or adaptive skills.
Personal Emergency Response devices (for HSW enrollees) help a person maintain independence and safety in their own home or in a community setting. These are devices that are used to call for help in an emergency.
Prevocational Services (for HSW enrollees) include supports, services and training to prepare a person for paid employment or community volunteer work.
Private Duty Nursing (for HSW enrollees) is individualized nursing services provided in the home, as necessary, to meet specialized health needs.
Specialty Services (for Children’s Waiver enrollees) are music, recreation, art or massage therapies that may be provided to help reduce or manage the symptoms of a child’s mental health condition or intellectual/developmental disability. Specialty services might also include specialized child and family training, coaching, staff supervision or monitoring of program goals.
North Country Community Mental Health Authority serves adults with serious mental illness, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, children with serious emotional disturbance, and persons with co-occurring substance use disorders in six counties: Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, Kalkaska, and Otsego.
Comprehensive Assessment Policy
Confidentiality Use and Disclosure Procedure
Fingerprinting Photography Audio-Video Use of One-Way Glass Policy
Grievance and Appeal Procedure
Resident Communication and Visitation Procedure
Resident Freedom of Movement Policy
Resident Right to Entertainment, Information, and News Procedure
Residential Property and Funds Procedure