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Do It For Daniel

North Country CMH will host a virtual presentation of “Do It For Daniel” on Wednesday, September 30 at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom. There is no charge to attend this community event which documents Daniel Olson’s story and provides hope for those living with or struggling from depression and suicidal ideation.

Do It For Daniel is a film that documents Daniel Olson’s story. Daniel was an all-state quarterback for the Ishpeming (Michigan) football team, had a great family and great friends, and just one month shy of turning 20, he lost his lifelong battle with depression and anxiety. The documentary tells the incredible story of Daniel and his family and how the community of Ishpeming, through the Hematites football team, rallied to restore hope for all who suffer from this medical illness called depression.

The documentary is 75 minutes long and is narrated by Daniel’s sister, Jaime Olson. Jeff Olson, father of Daniel and the Head Coach of the Ishpeming Hematites football team, will provide an introduction and be on hand for a discussion after the movie.

The documentary is 75 minutes long and is narrated by Daniel’s sister, Jaime Olson. Jeff Olson, father of Daniel and the Head Coach of the Ishpeming Hematites football team, will provide an introduction and be on hand for a discussion after the movie.

Mr. Olson and North Country Community Mental Health staff will answer questions and provide information on how to access mental health services locally.

There is a limit of 100 attendees for this showing, which will start promptly at 12 noon. We encourage you to log on a few minutes early to assure your spot.  If you are unable to attend because the limit has been met, please call or email Lorraine Manary 231-439-1228 lmanary@norcocmh.org. She will be tracking interest and North Country CMH may have a second showing if interest is high.

Time: Sep 30, 2020 12:00-2:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 926 5551 1324
Passcode: 579012

For more information on the documentary and to see the trailer, visit https://www.doitfordaniel.com/documentary