24/7 Crisis Help Line: 877-470-4668
Access to Services: 877-470-7130
Customer Services : 877-470-3195
The Children and Family Services Program (CFSP) at NCCMH provides a range of evidence-based supports and services designed for children with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities or serious emotional disturbance and their families. The goal of treatment is to improve the child and family’s functioning, relationships with people, and success in school and development. Person and family-centered services are individualized to provide meaningful support in all environments. Strength based approaches are used to create stability in the family unit and to promote continued growth and learning. Services are provided based upon medical and clinical necessity and are trauma-informed and trauma-responsive. The scope, frequency and duration of treatment are determined by the assessment and person-centered planning process.
The priority populations for this service are children from birth up to age 18 (26 if still attending school) with serious emotional disturbance or an intellectual/developmental disability including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Provides an evidence-based, intensive treatment program for children and youth with a medical diagnosis of ASD who meet criteria. 10-25 hours of ABA may be provided in their home or office setting as clinically recommended.
Includes an evaluation for medical necessity with a functional behavior assessment and positive behavioral treatment plan to support a child or youth and their family in their home, office, or community setting.
Provides immediate phone response and assessment for crisis intervention and deployment as needed for youth experiencing a mental health crisis in their own home or other community setting.
Assists youth and families in their home and in their community. Support can include accessing social and recreational activities, assistance with activities of daily living such as self-help skills, community shopping, or employment supports.
Supports children and youth with an intellectual/developmental disability or SED in their family home or transitional placement through linking and coordination of services including respite care, family skill development, professional consultation services, and assistance in obtaining family support subsidy.
Provides clinical Home-Based Services to pregnant mothers and/or a parent struggling with mental health concerns with a child between the ages of 0-47 months of age.
NFIS is a contract provider of home-based services for North Country Community Mental Health. NFIS follows the Teaching-Family Model and provides an evidence-based approach to providing individualized behavioral and coordination of supports to children who meet criteria of a Severe Emotional Disturbance and their families.
Assists parents in accessing resources and provides guidance through the school and CMH systems. Provide support and mentoring to parents in their role as caregiver.
Supports coordination services are provided by Family Support Specialists to clients based on their goals and the intensity of their need. Assistance is provided to clients in developing a plan of service; coordinating services and linking with providers; and monitoring services and supports for effectiveness. Supports Coordinators assist clients with access to benefits such as Medicaid or entitlements and legal services.
Wraparound is a planning process designed to create an individualized, strength-based plan to meet the needs of children and their families. It is available to families with children with a Severe Emotional Disturbance that are receiving Medicaid. Services are developed through a strength-based team approach and is overseen by a local community team consisting of schools, natural supports, other service providers or other community partners.
Provides therapy services in a clinic setting in each of NCCMH’s 6 county offices. Evidence-based practices such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT), Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing and group models provide supports for children and families.
Psychiatry and nursing services available as clinically indicated for children and youth who may require medical intervention as defined by thorough psychiatric assessment. Psychiatry services are not a stand-alone service but are offered in conjunction with other behavioral approaches.
Provides additional services and supports to qualifying children and youth under the age of 18. The child must have a documented intellectual/developmental disability and meet requirements for behavioral or medical supports and services in the family home. May be a path to Medicaid for qualifying youth without Medicaid insurance at the time of Intake Assessment.
Provides in-home services and supports to qualifying children and youth up to age 21 with Serious Emotional Disturbance. Must receive the SED Waiver prior to age 18, meet CAFAS/PECFAS requirements, have a primary SED diagnosis, and meet criteria for state level hospitalization. May be a pathway to Medicaid for those who qualify without Medicaid at the time of Intake Assessment.
North Country Community Mental Health Authority serves adults with serious mental illness, persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities, children with serious emotional disturbance, and persons with co-occurring substance use disorders in six counties: Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, Kalkaska, and Otsego.
Comprehensive Assessment Policy
Confidentiality Use and Disclosure Procedure
Fingerprinting Photography Audio-Video Use of One-Way Glass Policy
Grievance and Appeal Procedure
Resident Communication and Visitation Procedure
Resident Freedom of Movement Policy
Resident Right to Entertainment, Information, and News Procedure
Residential Property and Funds Procedure